13TH JUNE 2024- DAY 9.



Dear God, Your Word declares that You take pleasure in the prosperity of Your servants, those who favor Your righteous cause,as in Psalm 35:27. You promised that if I gave my attention to what You are doing right now, You would take care of whatever difficulties and needs I would face,as in Matthew 6:33, let my ADDED blessings be released now,in Jesus Name..

Dear God,because I have made Your cause my cause, and because I have made Your House my house, I thank You that the windows of heaven are being opened to me & my seed, and that You are protecting me from every assault of the enemy,as in Malachi 3:8-12,in Jesus Name.

Dear God,because I give freely to You from the first of my income, it shall be given to me from every side and from every source,as in Luke 6:38 & Proverbs 3:9-10,in Jesus Name.

Dear God,You have given me the ability to create wealth as in Deut 8:18 and I have purposed in my heart not to give sparingly or begrudgingly, but faithfully, generously and with a cheerful heart . As Faithful as you are and have been You will not abandon me in my time of need. All grace will come into my life, so that in every situation I will have more than I need, with resources left over to be a blessing to others whereby fulfilling the mandate Affected2AffectOthers,as in 2 Cor 9:6-9,in Jesus Name.

Dear God, I have been faithful in your house living to give,make me faithful over much and give to me stewardship of the true riches of life as in Luke 16:10-12. No beneficial thing will You withhold from me as in Psalm 84:11. In my house  wealth and riches are established as in Psalm 112:3 and this is the day & season of prosperity so I rejoice now and remember Your goodness to me as in Eccles 7:14,in Jesus Name.

You are El Shaddai, God Almighty, the All-Sufficient One, the God of plenty.

Dear God,You are the Source of “more than enough” as in Genesis 17:1. Father, You always exceed the needs I have. You are my Shepherd, I shall not want as in Psalm 23:1.

I boldly confess by unwavering faith in the Word of God,You are Jehovah-Jireh, the One who goes ahead to make the creoles paths straight and You will make a way when there is no way.

I E.K.O.DANIELS declare by faith,in the midst of every need I will find DIVINE PROVISION for my VISION,as in Genesis 22:14,in Jesus Name.




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