20TH NOV 2023-DAY 20.

Isaiah 30:21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.
One of the greatest hungers in the heart of humanity is to hear the voice of God. There is in every person a desire to commune with God, we are created that way. In these last days, the Bible tells us that there will be many voices deceiving even the most faithful. Jesus tells us in John 10:27, 28 that if we are His sheep we will hear His voice. That means God wants to speak to us. God enjoys communicating with His children as we see in Revelation 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.”
– Our responsibility is to be in a position to hear His voice.
This is simply a position of submission. There is no quicker way to harden the arteries of your spiritual heart than to walk in rebellion. The writer in Hebrews says in chapter 3:7, 8, “Today, if you will hear my voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.
As you scripturally, passionately, zealously, aggressively & energetically pray with this prayer booklet, you will begin to hear his voice clearly, In Jesus Name.


  1. Holy Spirit, I desire to hear your voice. Speak to me always & clearly, just as you speak with the prophets of old, as in Hebrews 1:1, in Jesus Name.
  2. I unlock every of my spiritual sense organs right now, let my spiritual eyes & ears be opened, as In 2 Kings 6:17,In Jesus Name.
  3. Holy Spirit, help me to identify your voice when you speak as good sheep & deliver me from giving attention & following strange voices, as In John 10:5, In Jesus Name.
  4. I disconnect my spirit, soul & body from every sin & act that will stop & break my spiritual connectivity to you & my antenna from picking signals in the spirit when necessary, as in Isaiah 59:2, In Jesus Name.
  5. Holy Spirit, pour upon me your spirit. Give me mental & spiritual alertness, when you speak once I shall hear twice & understand, as In Psalm 62:11, In Jesus Name.
  6. Holy Spirit of God, I ask that You would unblock every spiritual blockages that could hinder me from hearing Your voice, in Jesus Name.
  7. Dear Lord, I surrender my will and desires to you. Make me that malleable vessel who is equipped to hear from you and communicate your thoughts to others, in Jesus Name.
  8. Heavenly Father, I seek Your wisdom and understanding today. Grant me spiritual discernment, so that I will be able to hear and recognize Your voice among the noise and chatters of this world, in Jesus Name.
  9. O Lord, clear away every doubt, every fear, any confusion and distractions from my mind and heart, that can hinder me from hearing your voice clearly, in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, I ask that you would lay Your hand upon me and activate every dormant spiritual ability and channel that will enable me hear from You, in Jesus Name







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