Sometimes just pretend you don’t know,you have not heard & you have not seen,delay your actions.
Allow them,give them some more rope & space whiles you are cautious about every move they make.
There are people who are very possessed,they have dead conscience,they can lie comfortably,expertly & wonderfully,as a matter of fact they enjoy lying not thinking about consequences.

Have you ever met those can of liars that can lie to the extent that you will doubt if you are blind or deaf..?

📌Because of a certain liar someone’s marriage has collapsed
📌Because of a certain liar someone is in prison
📌Because of a certain liar someone has lost his life
📌Because of a certain liar a father has disowned his children
📌 Because of a certain liar someone has been dismissed

Time will prove over & over & over that they will never change & they are not ready to change.
Time will prove that a fish 🐟 that swims in Africa will continue swimming even in Europe.

If you have suffered from the hands of liars may God expose them,vindicate you & restore you speedily,in Jesus Name.

If you easily believe everything you hear 👂,please grow up.
Refuse to be manipulated.


Isaiah 33: 33 Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.


1.Just allow them to talk & just listen don’t contribute.
2.Dont give them the room or the opportunity to talk to you when you know they will lie.
3.Dont talk to them alone.
4.Dont send them on errands,dont give them any assignments make sure they don’t represent you anywhere.
5.Practice withdrawal,separation & supervision.
6.Dont stop praying for them.



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