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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 29TH MAY 2024 -DAY 8. OVERCOMING OUR CHALLENGES TO FRUITFUL EVANGELISM AND TOTAL CHURCH GROWTH MATT. 28:19; ACTS 2:24-47, 8:4-8, 11:19-26 Dear God,please give us insight to the work of discipleship better than before,in the name of Jesus. Dear God, let all who are just Church members but not saved, be saved,in the name of Jesus. Dear God, help our ministers to do the work of discipleship better & wake Your Church from slumbering,in the name of Jesus. Power of God to destroy every power disturbing the work of evangelism & make our evangelism fruitful henceforth,in the name of Jesus. Every attack from the kingdom of darkness against the growth and expansion of CIIM be destroyed in Jesus Name. Dear God, empower us with Your Holy Spirit to do Your work better,in Jesus Name. This Church, receive fresh fire of evangelism in Jesus Name.We receive power and wisdom to retain our converts in Jesus Name. As from now, CIIM begin to grow numerically, spiritually, extensionally and financially,in Jesus Name. Dear God, rekindle the fire of evangelism in our bosom, make it irresistible,let fresh passion for the perishing souls, fall on all heavenly-bound members in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME . E.K.O.DANIELS. ………………………..

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 28TH MAY – DAY 7. LORD LET ME NOT LIVE TO BE USELESS: EZEK. 15:1-8, 16:1-58; II TIM. 4:11, 2:21 Dear God, help me to walk in love and live in dominion all the days of my life,in Jesus Name. Dear God, help me not to live to be useless, worthless, unprofitable, pointless and valueless,in Jesus Name. Dear God, cause me to be useful and fruitful all the days of my life & deliver me from living the life of unfruitfulness and unfaithfulness,in Jesus Name. Dear God, make me a useful vessel for Your kingdom and my generation & empower me to be godly, great, undefilable and unconquerable,in Jesus Name. Dear God, make me an agent of transformation to Your Church and healing to the world,in Jesus Name. Dear God, make me a fruitful soul winner and a great kingdom builder & help me to use all my resources for the growth of Your Church and good of mankind,in Jesus Name. Dear God, make me a significant contributor to Church projects whenever the Church leadership gives the directive & let me always be excited with all programmes of the Church as led by the Holy Spirit,in Jesus Name. Dear God, give me a servant heart; let my authority be submissive to the Authority of Christ, on daily basis as in Matt. 28:18,in Jesus Name. Dear God, plant my feet on higher ground, where my talent and gift shall be  fully utilized for Your glory,in Jesus Name. Dear God, let my life and ministry always add value to Your Kingdom & let others see Christ in me, appreciate our good works and glorify Your name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS.

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 27TH AMY 2024 – DAY 6. GRACE – GIVING: AN ACT OF ENTERING INTO AN ERA OF INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY           II CORITHIANS 8:1-5 Dear God, help me to walk in love and live in Dominion every day of my life,in the name of Jesus . Dear God, make me a grace-giver giving with Jesus and Heaven in mind,in the name of Jesus. Dear God, empower me to give to Your work, people projects and programmes joyfully and generously,in Jesus Name. Dear God, make me an addicted grace giver – Giving generously, joyfully, sacrificially, voluntarily and whole-heartedly,in Jesus Name. It has been said that “when a Church is not spiritual, it is not generous” O Lord make us highly Spiritual and very generous in CIIM,in Jesus Name. Dear God, destroy the stronghold of stinginess, tithe defaulting and selfishness among us,in Jesus Name. Dear God, help me and empower me to always give in spite of circumstances around. Help me to give by faith and not by sight,in the name of Jesus . Dear God, grant me fresh baptism of Grace-giving,in Jesus Name. Dear God, usher me into an era of unfinishable supplies from heaven as I practice grace giving,in Jesus Name. Dear God, what do you want me and my family to do in order to move Your works forward in our Church, District, Region and CIIM Worldwide? Give me the enabling grace in Jesus name. Dear God, as I enter into the realm of grace-giving, take me from the valley of not enough to the mountain of abundant supply. Let my cup runs over,as in John 10:10b,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 24TH MAY 2024-DAY 5. EXCERSING DOMINION OVER EVIL LORDS ISA. 26:3-13; JUDGES 14:4; NEH. 9:36-37; PS. 19:13; I JOHN 4:4; LUKE 10:19 Dear God,help me to always walk in love and live in dominion all the days of my life,in Jesus Name. Dear God, I gain total victory and dominion over evil Lords,in Jesus Name. Dear God,forgive my negligence in not exercising the authority and dominion given me over the devil, demons and his agents as expected of me,in Jesus Name. Dear God, I stand in my liberty as a child of God, as a joint heir with Christ and  in the name of Jesus Christ to dispossess the devil of all his claims or grips over my life,family & interests,in Jesus Name. Dear God, because I have dominion over the devils, I will tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt me,I overthrow all activities of evil Lords in my life and family,in Jesus Name. By my dominion in Christ, I declare and decree in the name of Jesus that I am unconquerable, Unbeatable and undevourable,as in Esther 6:13,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS …………………………..

DEAR GOD||DAY 5 Read More »


TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS -MAY EDITION. DOMINION OVER POVERTY TO ENJOY DIVINE ABUNDANCE BEYOND MEASURE. JOEL 2:23-26; GEN. 26: 1, 12; HAGGAI 2:8-9; PROV.10: 15; EXO. 23: 25; PSALM 37:25 22ND MAY 2022 – DAY 3. Dear God, I appreciate You for Your amazing love that Jesus became poor that I might be rich.Given me dominion over poverty in all ramifications. Let the yoke and power of poverty break over my life and family. I have dominion over whatever promotes poverty,as in II Cor 8:9,in Jesus Name.Dear God,give me total victory over every human weakness and ignorance that promotes poverty,in Jesus Name.Dear God,usher me into an era of unfinishable supply from heaven,in Jesus Name.Lord, cause me and my family to enjoy divine blessing in abundance and beyond measure,in Jesus Name.Dear God, cause me to enjoy supernatural supply, contrary to the prevailing economic factors in the world or in my country,in Jesus Name.Dear God,give me abundance of what money can buy and what money cannot buy,in Jesus Name.Dear God,give me abundant health and wealth all-round the year,in Jesus Name.Dear God,help me to sow the seeds of favor and mercy regularly, which are part of the secret of financial overflow,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………..

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 21st MAY 2024. REMOVING THE BARRIERS TO ANSWEREDPRAYERS TO OPERATE UNDER OPEN HEAVEN. PS.66: 18-20, LAMENT 3:8, 44; JOB 27:9;PROV. 15:29, ZACH. 7:13; JOHN 9:3, JAMES 4:3 Dear God,give me total and timely victory over every iniquity that kills my strength,as in Psalm 31:10,in Jesus Name. Dear God,help me to always be upright before YOU by keeping myself from every iniquity,as in Psalm 18:23,in Jesus Name. Dear God,by Your mercy purge those sins working, standing or speaking against my destiny,as in Jer 5:25,in Jesus Name. What are your sins that are withholding good things from you and your family? Name them. Dear God,Read II Sam. 12:9-14, Eph. 4:27. Iniquity gives the devil access to one’s life and family. Lord purge me from every form of iniquity that gives Satan access to my life. Dear God, help me to operate under open heaven all through the year,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS …………………………….

DAY 2 Read More »

Whoever offers you their shoulders to cry on spend quality time to pray for them because there is a time that they would a shoulder to cry on cry on. Whoever offers you their shoulders to lean on spend quality time to pray for them because there is a time they would also need a shoulder to lean on . Whoever fulfills your financial request & other needs spend quality time to pray for them because there is a time they would also need financial assistance. Apart from God who do you run to in times of challenges that you know they will never turn their back on you no matter what..? TYPE THEIR NAME IN THE COMMENT SECTION & SAY A PRAY FOR THEM.. YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GIVE BACK WHAT THEY DO FOR YOU BUT YOU CAN GIVE PRAYER THAT CAN GO A LONG WAY,START NOW. #Affect2AffectOthers

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✅ Because of your obedience you shall escape every trap & attack of Satan✅ Because of your obedience you shall see the other side of God you have never known✅ Because of your obedience you shall enter into your worthy place✅ Because of your obedience you shall have all round rest✅ Because of your obedience you shall find favour with God & men✅ Because of your obedience you shall have a net breaking Testimony✅ Because of your obedience hair will grow again✅ Because of your obedience you shall become a threat & danger to the kingdom of darkness✅ Because of your obedience the land,the Firmament & the sea shall give you their best✅ Because of your obedience you shall enjoy angelic ministrations & cooperations✅ Because of your obedience your descendants shall be free from bondage,slavery & curses Receive grace to walk in obedience. Happy New Month. #AFFECTED2AFFECTOTHERS