

TEN DAS FASTING & PRAYERS – JUNE EDITION. 12TH JUNE 2024-DAY 8. Salvation for Lost Souls Dear God, You are the builder building Your church,the kingdom of darkness and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it,as in Matt 16:18.I do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness and against spiritual wickedness in high places as in Eph 6:12. I use the powerful weapons of the Word of God, prayer, and fasting to pull down every stronghold that hinders every lost soul from getting saved,knowing You & serving you Lord,as in 2 Cor 10:4,5,in Jesus Name. By the Word of God,I come against satan and all his tactics that keep lost souls from receiving the gospel,as in 2 Cor 4:4,in Jesus Name. Dear God,I use the spiritual armor that You have provided to combat the enemy,as in Eph 6:13. I put on the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness and stand with the sure-footed stability because I have the gospel of peace,as in Eph 6:14,15. Above all I take the shield of faith and stand against the fiery darts of the evil one,as in Eph 6:16.I also take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,as in Eph 6:17, which is the Word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit as in Eph 6:18 for these lost souls,in Jesus Name. Lord Jesus, You said that harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few as in Matt 9:37,Since You are in charge of the harvest Lord, send us as labourers to them as in Matt 9:38.  Let us be lights to the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid as in Matt 5:14. As I go forth Lord, prepare me to be a living sacrifice for Your Kingdom as Rom 12:1. Also Lord as You send me, let me go in the power of Your Spirit, so it is not by might or by my power that I go as in Zech 4:6.  I pray that my speech and preaching be not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but be in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power as in 1 Cor 2:4.I also pray that I preach and teach the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with confidence and boldness as in Acts 28:31, 4:29),in Jesus Name. Dear God,as you send me to the mission fields ,I pray that You open their eyes, turning them from darkness to light and from the power of satan unto God, so that they might receive forgiveness of sins and the inheritance, which is sanctified by the faith that is in You Lord Jesus,as in Acts 26:17,18,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYER-JUNE EDITION. 11TH JUNE 2024-DAY 7. MANTLE TO CROSS OUR JORDAN, GREAT GRACE FOR POSSESSING OUR POSSESSIONS : 2 Kings 2:8, 2:13-14 Dear God,make me a reference point of Your divine blessings in the mighty name of Jesus. By the grace of God, I shall rise above limitations in the mighty name of Jesus.I shall never get stuck over any issue of life in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,connect me with those who will be a blessing to my life in the mighty name of Jesus. By the grace of God, I shall not be a borrower but a lender in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,frustrate every power assigned to wreck havoc against my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus & let all evil words spoken consciously and unconsciously against my destiny die in Jesus Name. I receive great grace to possess all my possessions in the land of the living in the mighty name of Jesus. I break the yoke of failure in every affair of my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,let the star of my home shine for all to see in the mighty name of Jesus. By the grace of God, I receive the key to prosperity and success for my family in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,deliver me from forces of vision – killers in Jesus Name. Dear God,reveal to me the distracters of my family’s destiny and deliver us from them all. I receive the grace to finish my race gloriously. Dear God,reveal to me and help me to overcome anything that is taking away my attention or focus from God-given purpose for my family,in Jesus Name. I shall live to have a footprint in the sand of time in Jesus’ name. Dear God,turn the counsel of Ahitophel to foolishness in my life and family,in Jesus Name. Dear God,Let my glory shine forth oh Lord, in the midst of darkness & turn the weakness of my family to strength O, Lord. Cause us to triumph in every home battle,in Jesus Name. Dear God,let Your beauty be upon me oh Lord and establish the work of my hands. Anointing to cross my ‘Jordan’ I receive today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED 🙏,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………….

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – JUNE EDITION.10TH JUNE 2024- DAY 6. ROLLING AWAY THE STONE AND TERMINATING EVERY MODERN DAY HEROD AGAINST OUR SHINING : John 11:39, Matt. 2:15, Esther 8:7 Dear God,thank you for life & salvation given me & my family,in Jesus Name.Dear God,I command every cloud of failure to disappear in my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,let Your power O Lord, keep me and my family from evil on all sides, in the name of Jesus. Dear God,give me and my family rest on every side & let Your power overshadow me and my family in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, let every power working against my destiny begin to fall in the mighty name of Jesus.   I command any evil manifestation in my life to cease in the mighty name of Jesus.No domestic disaster is permitted in my family in the mighty name of Jesus Dear God,let there be a final end to unpleasant or ugly situation in my life and family in the name of Jesus. I command every power assigned to trouble my life to fail,in the name of Jesus. I receive anointing to shine in life and ministry in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,baptize me with wisdom for excellence in the mighty name of Jesus.Arrow of failure and poverty, return to sender in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,I will not go round in circles again but I will make tangible progress. All my past failures are converted to success in Jesus Name. I reject every attempt of the devil to turn my feet away from the place of victory. I will continuously walk in testimonies,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – JUNE EDITION. 7TH JUNE 2024-DAY 5. DIVINE PROTECTION OF ALL CIIM MINISTERS & CITIZENS ALL OVER THE WORLD: PSALM 12: 1-8 Dear God,for Your mercy and faithfulness that kept each and everyone of us alive from the beginning of our lives till date, we say thank You Father,in Jesus Name. For keeping and saving us from the dangers that we saw and those ones not seen at different times, Father, take glory,in Jesus Name. For the fires and waters of life in terms of calamities and troubles from which You have delivered all of of us, we shout a big Halleluyah!Prov. 18:10 We confess today that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and we place every CIIM citizen under it for safe security in Jesus Name. Like the Israelites of old, we plead the blood of Jesus Christ on the lintel, doorpost and forehead of every CIIM family and citizen for absolute deliverance and immunity from demonic attacks,threats & dangers, in Jesus Name. We make a divine declaration concerning all CIIM Citizens “touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm”  as in Psalm 105:15,in Jesus Name. We declare divine safety for all our itinerary ministers in all their missionary journeys, on land, rail, water and air in Jesus Name. We raise up the standard of the Holy spirit against all evil tides on all CIIM citizens in every nation of the world in Jesus Name Dear God,we say, no to evil occurrence, report and manipulation in the life of every CIIM citizen world-wide in Jesus Name. Dear God,release the guardian angels into the homes and ways of all CIIM citizen for safety day and night in Jesus Name. Isa. 54:17, no weapon fashioned against any of us, young or old, male or female under the canopy of this Church, shall proper in Jesus name. Dear God,we declare divine health upon the General Overseer Chief Servant E.K.O.Daniels and his wife,no cankerworm shall touch their health in Jesus Name. The Lord God almighty shall keep the going out and the coming of all our business partners,in Jesus Name. We pray also for God’s mercy and favour upon members of our church & other missionaries in other Islamic dominated countries,we render powerless all territorial spirits operating in different localities of our assemblies in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………..

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS-JUNE EDITION.6TH JUNE 2024-DAY 4. LIVING THE WORD, WALKING IN LOVE AND EXERCISING DOMINION IN MY FAMILY: PSALM 119:11,105; JOHN: 17:17; HEB. 4: 12; JAM. 1:21 Dear God, our Father, forgive every CIIM citizen of our failure to love each other as expected,in Jesus Name. You hatred and unforgiving spirit, take your leave in Jesus Name. Dear God, re-unite every scattered family with Your love in Jesus name. Dear God,I take dominion over every spirit of affliction; be paralysed in Jesus Name. Every spirit of sickness, get out of every family in Jesus Name. You spirit of poverty, you are not of God, get out of every family in Jesus Name. Whatever power that is ruling my family contrary to God’s will, I stop them now in Jesus Name. Dear God, have Your way in each family and set us free in Jesus Name. Dear God, let my family, enter into Your promised land in Jesus Name. Dear God, in Your mercy let the spirit of success locate every member of my family and let us have complete dominion over all that dominate us,in Jesus Name. In my family, I am a victor and not a victim, no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS …………………………..

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS-JUNE EDITION.5TH JUNE 2024-DAY 3. WE ARE FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS (MAKING THE MIRACULOUSA NORMAL OCCURRENCE IN OUR MIDST): PSALM 89:20-34. Dear God,thank You , for the great miraculous provisions You made for us through Jesus Christ, Your Son.It’s a blessing to know that Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of the law and that I am blessed of God.I confess today that I am for signs and wonders,in Jesus name. Dear God,I ask and receive Elijah’s mantle (prayer anointing) and enter into the miraculous experience,in Jesus Name. Dear God,strengthen my faith, so as to have more results as I pray from now on,in Jesus Name. Dear God, empower me the more for prayer exploits,in Jesus Name. Dear God,whatever is there in my life that makes prayer difficult, impossible and unanswerable, remove them dear Lord in Jesus Name. Let all impossibilities in my life become possible from today in Jesus Name. I prophesy miracles into the lives of all CIIM children and youths all over the world, rise up and begin to take Your position in the scheme of life, in Jesus Name. I prophesy miracles into the lives of all our ministers,every ministrations will begin to generate miracles,in Jesus Name. Dear God,raise up many more ministers in our midst, especially the youths for miraculous ministrations all over CIIM, in Jesus name. Dear God,I intercede on behalf of all our citizens who have chronic problems and I command their problems to receive divine attention today,in Jesus Name. Dear God,change my situations from natural to supernatural and from human level to divine, oh dear Lord,in Jesus Name Dear God,make all GFM Assemblies prayer-answering arena, so that anyone who prays will receive answer on any prayer they offer there,in Jesus Name. Dear God, increase our prayer power and answer to prayers,in Jesus name.  THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS …………………………..

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – JUNE EDITION. 4TH JUNE -2024 – DAY 2. TOTAL SUCCESS OF ALL ELECTIONS IN 2024 AND VICTORY OVER ALL EVIL GROUPS:PSALM 11:3; 122:6-8; ISAIAH 62:6-7; EZEKIEL 22:30 Dear God,thank you for holding this country together, despite internal wranglings, aggressions and other forces that are threatening the unity of this country on daily basis,in Jesus Name. Thank You gracious Father for the relative peace in the country, which beats the imagination of discordant elements within and without,in Jesus Name. Blessed Redeemer, thank You for saving our souls from famine, providing for our daily needs and causing rain to fall in due season,in Jesus Name. Dear God,we humble ourselves before You and confess multifarious sins on behalf of our political,religious & traditional leaders: (i) shedding of innocent blood (ii) lack of concern for the fatherless and the widows (iii) manipulation of political machinery to intimate opposition and oppress innocent citizens (iv) bribery and corruption to obtain undue favouritism (v) money laundering (vi) embezzlement of public fund meant to provide utility (vii) perversion of justice (viii) distortion of gospel truth by modern day preachers. We ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing through the precious blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. Dear God, the survival of Ghana & Africa hinges on election of God-fearing people into elective posts, let Your will prevail over human manipulation of election results in Jesus name. Dear God, deliver Ghana & Africa from the second enslavement. Every power that wants to use religion sentiments to obtain undue favour in 2024 election is destroyed in Jesus Name. Dear God,in Your sovereign power, intervene in the primary elections of political parties and pick candidates of Your choice in Jesus Name. Dear God, guide EC with wisdom to take the right decision that would enhance credible elections in 2024, in Jesus Name. Dear God, let the outcome of 2024 elections enthrone Justice and righteousness in Ghana & Africa,in Jesus Name. Dear God,by Your power, expose all sponsorship of “vigilantes” and other agents of destabilization in Ghana & Africa. Speedily bring them to justice in Jesus Name. Dear God, frustrate all counsels of the wicked over 2024 elections. Lead all stakeholders by Your Spirit in Jesus Name. Dear God.sanitize all security agents that are being deployed for 2024 elections; deliver them from the bondage of corruption, tribalism and partisanship,in Jesus Name. Dear God, cripple the activities of all saboteurs who have been assigned to cause confusion and stampede during 2024 elections in Jesus Name. Dear God, let there be all-round success in 2024 elections, peace and prosperity in all nooks and crannies of Ghana & Africa,in Jesus Name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………….

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – JUNE EDITION. 3RD JUNE 2024 – DAY 1. DIVINE PROVISION AND TOTAL SUCCESS OF CIIM PROJECTS . EXODUS 35:21-35 Dear God,I appreciate you for establishing this Church called CIIM upon the solid foundation of the truth,thank You for counting me worthy to be one of Your children in this Church,in Jesus Name. Dear God, I appreciate You for the salvation, deliverance, victory, healing and all other blessings You have given me and also my other brethren which cannot be quantified or bought with money,in Jesus Name. Thank You Lord, for the good leaders You gave us in this Church, the General Overseer and his team for helping them to lead us in the right direction,in Jesus Name. Dear God,forgive me for not showing enough appreciation in cash and kind for all the wonderful things You have done for me in this Church; individually and collectively,in Jesus Name. As a sign of appreciation for Your goodness, I promise to begin to give my life and possessions to Your service, dear God.In agreement,I pray and bind the spirits that hinder any and everyone of us from giving liberally and willingly to the work of God in CIIM,in Jesus name. Dear God,I invoke the spirit of willingness upon every CIIM citizen for increased and bountiful giving resulting in greater blessings upon our lives,in Jesus name. Dear God,let more doors of opportunity for blessings be opened for all of us, open our eyes to see these open doors and give us the power to possess our possessions,in Jesus Name. Dear God,as we are committed to give more for Your projects and programmes in our in church & kingdom, take over our individual projects and businesses and let them be backup and operated by divine power,in Jesus Name. Dear God,change CIIM and her citizens financial status from not enough to more than enough from now on,in Jesus name.Dear God,I command an open door and prophesy financial inflow into CIIM,in Jesus name. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER 🙏,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ………………………….



TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 31ST MAY 2024-DAY 10. ENTERING THE SEASON OF OUR SET-TIME OF FAVOUR AND PROSPERITY PS. 102: 13, GEN. 21:2 DEAR GOD Dear God,let my foundational glory as embedded in You, manifest at this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Dear God,let my glory in the valley come forth and shine in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, contend with those who contend against my destiny & as you dealt with Herod, deal with them,in Jesus Name. I shall operate according to God’s divine time-table and calendar & I will walk into God’s programme.    I decree that God’s agenda is my agenda in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ. Every gate of darkness assigned against my destiny, scatter in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, arise and catapult me to “a greater tomorrow” & let every battle at the edge of my breakthrough, scatter, in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ. Dear God let very evil power delaying the manifestation of my destiny, be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. By the grace of God, I will not squander my divine opportunities in the mighty name of Jesus. I refuse to lock the door of blessing against myself in the name of Jesus.I refuse to be a wandering star, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, lead me to those who will bless me in the name of Jesus. Dear God, let life-transforming breakthroughs, overtake me in the name of Jesus. Dear God,network me , with divine helpers in the mighty name of Jesus By the harmer side of the Word of God,I break every cycle of financial turbulence in my life & family, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,lead me , to my own land that flows with milk and honey, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, handover to me at this season, the key of my prosperity as the spirit of favor be upon me, wherever I go in the mighty  name of Jesus. Dear God,restore all my wasted years and efforts at this season, let it be a blessing to me in the name of Jesus. One day of favor with God is worth more than a lifetime of labor, Lord, take me to my season of favor. Dear God,let everything I represent become the radiance of Your glory in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ . Dear God, let my change begin now, in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ This season, I shall rise, every shackle of poverty is broken in my life in Jesus name. Dear God,Connect me with my covenant helpers in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS …………………………

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TEN DAYS FASTING & PRAYERS – MAY EDITION. 30TH MAY 2024- DAY 9. SOARING HIGH ON EAGLE’S WING TO BECOME AN UNCOMMON ACHIEVER EXO. 19:4;  ISA. 40:31 DEAR GOD Dear God,make me a reference point of divine achievements in the mighty name of Jesus. Anointing for excellence, fall on me,my spouse & children, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, let Your blessings invade my life,family & church,in the mighty name of Jesus. I shall possess all the good things I pursue, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Dear God,I refuse to get stuck to one level of blessing in this year,in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Dear GOd, let all my departed glory be restored,the name ICHABOD shall not be identified with me or my family,in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, anoint my eyes to see the invisible and the hidden riches of this world in the name of Jesus. Dear God,by Your grace, I shall rise above obstacles,limitations & barriers,in the mighty name of Jesus. I receive uncommon wisdom for uncommon achievements in all my pursuit, in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God,my life shall attract uncommon favour for uncommon breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus. Dear God, unseat anyone occupying my seat of breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus. THANK YOU FATHER FOR ANSWERED PRAYER 🙏,IN JESUS NAME. E.K.O.DANIELS ……………………………

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